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Review: The Wanderers (Wanderers #1)

The Wanderers - Jessica  Miller

Ella starts college as a normal girl, hoping to have a good time with her best friend Josie. Being normal doesn’t last long when she learns her family has been keeping deadly secrets from her. She’s in danger and doesn’t even realise it as she’s been kept in the dark. Ella needs to learn who she can trust and who’s the bad guy before she gets herself killed.


The Wanderers was so unexpected. After reading the synopsis I always play the guessing game, most of the time I get some bits right but not with this one, it took me completely by surprise, and what a nice surprise it was.


The storyline was great, full of friendship, partying, lying, anger, love, fighting, murder and surprises. It had a bit of everything and I really enjoyed it. It kept me in it’s claws the whole way and I was sad to see it end. Jessica’s writing is great, she kept me on the edge of my seat, iPad glued to hand unable to put it down until I’d finished it.


I feel sorry for Ella, it seems everyone knows who and what she is besides her. And then to learn the truth and how deep the lies were, it must have been devastating. But she took it well, she stayed strong and made the best of it. Not all of her decisions were great though and it just added more excitement.


Tristan annoyed me pretty much the whole way through, but I liked him at the same time. One second I wanted to strangle him and the next he was making me giggle like a school girl. In the end though I loved him, the length he showed he’d go to for Ella made me all teary eyed. He’s another one though that made some really crappy decisions, and the outcome was heartbreaking.


I’m not even going to get into the bad guys because knowing me I’ll say something and give it away without meaning to. All I would like to say to them is you stupid, lying farts! :/ grrrr…. I was so angry when I got to the end, just how can it finish there? I wanted to scream and probably would have if I didn’t already have Reborn, book 2 in the series.


**A copy was provided for review purposes**

Source: http://morphybooksblog.wordpress.com/2014/06/24/review-the-wanderers